Falling Leaves – Leading to Backache?

Photo: Harry Helmet

We’ve passed the optimum beauty of fall. Now are you trying to rake leaves from your entire yard before snow, in the next day or two? Before you start raking, warm up by taking a short walk or do some simple stretches. Promise yourself before you even start creating piles of leaves that you’ll take frequent breaks. And take your water bottle out with you, you’ll need to drink water to keep hydrated.

The Right Way to Rake

If you’re bending over a lot chances are you’re going to have low back pain. Think of raking fall leaves as sweeping the kitchen floor. How do you hold a broom? That’s the best way to hold your rake. You don’t have to see how far you can reach with the rake, but you do need to see how tidy you can be with the least amount of twisting motions. Give it a try. Then come in and see me, I understand because I have lots of trees in my front yard, too.

It’s great if you invest in ergonomic tools and the right size rake, not too big, not too small, just right – like goldilocks. Finding the proper tools for fall cleanup means spending some time at your local hardware store trying out yard equipment. But it’s worth the time and money to have tools that fit your body.

How to Use a Leaf Blower

You’re not a leaf raker but a leaf blower? How you handle leaves is determined by the type of leaf blower you have. A backpack will keep you more in alignment, although they tend to be heavy. A hand-held blower will make one side of your body, your arm and shoulder, sore if you don’t keep changing arms. Leaf blowing involves a lot of repetitive movements. I realize most of us have a dominant side and that feels the most effective. But if you can, alternate hands as often as possible.

When you run out of gas or the battery goes dead that’s a sure clue you need to take a break. Have an icepack? Go inside, sit in your most comfortable upright chair, and spend 15-20 minutes with your icepack.

Be sure and sit upright in your chair. It may hurt at first, that’s because you’ve just trained your body to bend over.

There Will Always Be More Leaves

Until the last leaf has fallen there will be raking or blowing. That means there’s always tomorrow if you need a little extra recovery time. The key to avoiding lower back pain is moderation. I know that sounds impossible. There’s only so many hours in a day and only so many nice days left.

But remember, those leaves that fall into your flower beds will decompose into fertile soil. Those leaves also act as an insolating blanket for your plants. We’ve been having some pretty cold winters so it might not be a bad idea to add some extra leaves around tender perennials.

After winter will come spring! Any leaves left can be raked out when the snow melts. You might rake away some leaves and see fresh green sprouts, always makes me feel like there’s hope. That winter will soon be gone.

If You Do Overdue It

OK, so you decided to rake your entire yard this week and now you hurt. We both know what you need to do. Use the icepack more regularly and come see me. You don’t want to go into snow season with an overuse injury. Or do you? The choice is yours. I’m here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help you get the kinks out.

Guess what I’ll be doing this weekend- raking leaves and other outdoor work! I’m going to get as much done as I can before the weather changes. But I’m telling myself whatever doesn’t get done this fall season will get done in spring. Oh, and I’ll be using my icepack during breaks!

Remember, you don’t need to hurt to get chiropractic adjustments. In fact, the perfect time to keep yourself FROM pain is when you’re feeling fine. CALL TODAY! Our answering machine is on 24/7 so leave a message. See you soon!

PS I’m taking new patients, so give me a call. My professional staff will set up your first visit as soon as possible.